
This is a list of publications, authors, and links to each article. Many of these are available as open access publications whereas some may only have abstracts with full paper access to those with subscriptions to the publication source.


Cundiff, J., Grisso, B., and Webb, E. 2024. Adapting Feedstock Supply Chains for Regional Biorefineries. ASABE Resource Mar/April 2024, pp 8-11. Download Here.


Moreira, S., G. Hoogenboom, M.R. Nunes, A.D. Martin-Ryals, and P. Sanchez. 2023. Circular agriculture increases food production and can reduce N fertilizer use of commercial farms for tropical environments. Science of the Total Environment, 879 (2023). Download Here.

Ferraz, D., and Pyka, A. 2023. Circular economy, bioeconomy, and sustainable development goals: a systematic literature review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Download Here.

Jones, J. W., Verma, B. P., Reid, J., and Fasina, O. ASABE’s Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute: A Brief History and Recent Developments. 2023. Nov-Dec 2023 ASABE Resource, pp 6-10. Download Here.

Modenbach, A. 2023. Embracing Circularity: Lessons from the 2023 ASABE Circular Bioeconomy Systems Day. Nov-Dec 2023 ASABE Resource, pp 10-13. Download Here.

Harriott, B. 2023. From My View, Things are Looking Up!  Nov-Dec 2023 ASABE Resource, pp 30-31. Download Here.

Harchaoui, S., Blazy, V., P´echenart, E., Wilfart, A. 2023. Challenges and opportunities for improving circularity in the poultry meat and egg sector: The case of France. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 193 (2023). Download Here.

Moreira, S. G., Hoogenboom, G., Nunes, M. R., and Sanchez, P. A. 2023. Circular agriculture practices enhance phosphorus recovery for large-scale commercial farms under tropical conditions. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1-15. Download Here.


Special Issue on Circular Food and Agricultural Systems. Migliaccio, K. W., Jones, J. W., and Verma B. P. (Eds.). Access all papers in the special issue (Open Access): Download Here.

Selected papers from the special issue:

Migliaccio, K. W., Jones, J. W., and Verma B. P. 2023. Perspectives on transforming the bioeconomy toward circular systems. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Morton, L. W., Shea, E. 2023. Frontier: Beyond productivity—recreating the circles of life to deliver multiple benefits with circular systems. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Adedeji, A. A. 2023. Agri-food waste reduction and utilization: A sustainability perspective. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Lower, L., Cunniffe, J., Cheng, J. J., Sagues, W. J. 2023. Coupling circularity with carbon negativity in food and agriculture systems. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Miller, R. K., Yortsos, Y. C. 2023. Perspective: Preparing leaders to engineer sustainability and resilience across the food chain through the Grand Challenges Scholars Program. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Herbstritt, S. M., Fathel, S. L., Reinford, R., Richard, T. L. 2023. Waste to worth: A case study of the biogas circular economy in Pennsylvania. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Boz, Z., Martin-Ryals, A. 2023. The role of digitalization in facilitating circular economy. J. of ASABE. Download Here.

Carmen Azzaretti, C., Schimelpfenig, G. 2023. Perspective: Benchmarking opportunities can contribute to circular food systems in controlled environment agriculture. J. of ASABE. Download Here.



Venkatesh, G. 2022. Circular Bio-economy—Paradigm for the Future: Systematic Review of Scientific Journal Publications from 2015 to 2021. Circular Economy and Sustainability 2:231–279. Download Here.

Dooley, J. 2022. How Baling Enables the Bioeconomy. ASABE Resource Mar/April 2022 pp 4-8. Download Here.

Wegloop, O. 2022. KIPSTER: Achieving Circularity in Egg Farming. ASABE Resource Mar/April 2022 pp 9-13. Download Here.



Basso, B., Jones, J. W., Antle, J., Martinez-Feria, R., and Verma, B. 2021. Circularity in Grain Production Systems with Novel Technologies. Agricultural Systems, 193 (2021). Download Here.

ASABE Resource Special Issue on Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems. Download the full issue Here. Articles in the special issue are:

Nokes, S., and Jones, J. W. 2021. First Word: Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems: ASABE’s National Priority. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 4-6. Download Here.

Jones, J., Verma, B., Basso, B., Mohtar, R. and Matlock, M. 2021.  Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems: A Perspective for 2050. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 7-9. Download Here.

Basso, B., Jones, J., Richard, T., Sukup, C., Verma, L., Matlock, M., Mohtar, R. Herbstritt, S., and Martinez-Feria, R. 2021. Designing Circularity into Corn-Soybean Systems. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 10-14. Download Here.

Migliaccio, K. Stockle, C., Boz, Z., Li, C., Herbstritt, S., and Morgan, K. 2021. Circular Open-Field Systems for Fresh-Market Tomatoes. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 15-18. Download Here.

Scott, N., and Ting, K. C. 2021 Controlled Biology-Based Indoor Circular Food Systems. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 19-24. Download Here.

Ting, K. C., Scott, N., and Mohtar, R. 2021 Circular Controlled-Environment Plant Production Systems. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 25-29. Download Here.

Riley, M., Green-Miller, A. Wolfe, M. L., Garcia-Perez, M. Howell, T., and Nokes, S. 2021. Circular Systems for Animal Production and Processing. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 30-33. Download Here.

Green-Miller, A., Riley, M. Wolfe, M. L., Engler, C., Garcia-Perez, M. Howell, T., and Nokes, S. 2021. Opportunities for Circular Pork Supply Chains. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 34-37. Download Here.

Verma, B., and Jones, J. (Guest Editors). 2021. Last Word: From Linear to Circular, an Ambitious but Necessary Goal. ASABE Resource March/April issue, pp 38-39. Download Here.

Verma, B. P., Jones, J. W., Migliaccio, K, Moody, L., and Madramootoo, C. A. 2021. The TFACS Initiative: Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems – Envisioning Multi-Society Objectives and Initiatives. Nov.-Dec Issue, pp 15-19. Download Here.



Jones, J. W., Verma, B. P., Nokes, S., Verma, L., Zazueta, F., and Rider, A. 2020. Toward Circular Food and Agricultural Systems. May-June ASABE Resource issue, pp 15-17. Download Here.



Bower, B. 1975. Studies of Residuals Management in Industry. In: Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems, (E. S. Mills, ed.) pp 275-324. Published by National Bureau of Economic Research. Download Here.